• There are some fantastic multilingual plugins for WordPress, however for one client project I needed something far more flexible, as this particular client needed to cater for several countries that each spoke several languages. In short the client needed to be able to have a multisite instance that had a country and language set as…

  • If you have spent a long time working on your clients website, ensuring everything is in version control (such as git). Then you would be pretty gutted if your client edits a theme file, or adds a new plugin that lives outside of your version controlled workflow. Adding code that lives outside of a tightly controlled workflow means:…

  • Clickjacking is a potential security risk caused by someone loading your website inside a frame on another website and making it appear as if the website is legitimate, however they will be hijacking interactions you make with that site, such as form submissions. For example if your website requires a user to login, the malicious…

  • You may be aware that you can add conditional statements around your WordPress enqueued CSS styles (such as <!–[if gt IE 7]><link …/><![endif]–>) to load the script for certain versions of Internet Explorer. As handy as this is, it doesn’t cater for all situations. This tutorial will show you how you can expand WordPress to add any type…

  • As any Information Governance expert will tell you, sharing usernames and passwords is bad! Fortunately we can boost your WordPress security with this tip. Although nothing is as good as educating your users as to why they shouldn’t be sharing their usernames and passwords, in WordPress we can certainly make it difficult for them to do…

  • How to add items to robots.txt with WordPress


    If you wasn’t aware, WordPress auto-generates its own robots.txt file, and that there is a filter that you can hook into to allow you to add your own rules to the file. The filter in question is robots_txt filter. Using this information I hand crafted this handy little snippet: So there you go, a short, but handy little blog…

  • A couple of weeks ago I learned all about Customer Development, by attending another fantastic Founders Network event. Once again, superbly put together by Tech North. The event was delivered by co-founders of Lyst; Rob Fitzpatrick and Devin Hunt, and Rob kindly gave us a signed copy of his wonderful book ‘The Mom Test‘, which gives some wonderful insight into assessing what…

  • Starting your own Business and the Law


    This week I delved into the legal side of starting your own business, by attending the “Founders Network Masterclass on Legals” event, superbly put together by Tech North. The event was held at the Chimney House, Kelham Island, Sheffield. A cozy little building that I haven’t been to since I wrote a report about the River Don Engine on a school trip…