get_post_meta WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) Equivalent is getEditedPostAttribute(‘meta’)


If you are new to writing plugins for the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg), you may be searching around for how to get the meta of the current post with get_post_meta.

Never fear, you can still get_post_meta, just use getEditedPostAttribute('meta') on the current post to get all the meta, like so:

const meta ='core/editor').getEditedPostAttribute('meta');

As long as you have made your meta key available in the rest API then you can now grab it from the meta variable.

const meta ='core/editor').getEditedPostAttribute('meta');

const metaExample = meta['wholesomecode_meta_key_example'];

In the above code I grab the value of my post meta (wholesomecode_meta_key_example) and pass it into the variable metaExample.

Register your Meta Key

To ensure your post meta is available in Gutenberg you need to register it and ensure that show_in_rest is set to true.

add_action( 'init', 'register_meta');

function register_meta() {
            'show_in_rest' => true,
            'single'       => true,
            'type'         => 'string',

Get the Meta from a different Post ID

If you want to get the post meta of another post, you can use getEntityRecord, and pass it the Post ID of the post you want to get:

const {meta} ='core').getEntityRecord('postType', 'post', 42);

In the example above all the meta for the post (provided it has been registered) is now located in the meta variable.

Using getEntityRecord is the equivalent of doing a get_post in Gutenberg.

Try it in the Console

Log into your site, and use the wp object in the console whilst editing a post to try it for yourself. You should get an easy to work with JSON object of the post meta:'core/editor').getEditedPostAttribute('meta');
   wholesomecode_meta_key_example: 'Example',

Updating Post Meta

If you want to update post meta from within WordPress Gutenberg, you can do this with editPost and editEntityRecord.